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Help Me to Be Humble!

As I sat behind a locked bathroom door, hiding from the pull of mother and wife hood, ignoring the pleas of my little ones to come out, I asked God the question, "Why?". You see, I was in the bathroom crying as a result of a disagreement between my husband and I about something that we had a difference of opinion on; and again, I couldn't see why he couldn't just agree with me. And, as I sat in the bathroom, talking to God about my husband, his son, and trying to convince God that he needed to change my husband to be more like me, The Holy Spirit asked me a thought-provoking question, "Stephanie, who do you think you are?"

I had allowed the enemy to creep into my home and disrupt the peace because I was so focused on me - my wants, needs, and what I thought I deserved. Instead of dialoging with me about my husband, the Holy Spirit held a mirror up to me and showed me how prideful I was. Quickly, the conversation focus changed to me and how I need to heart check in humility. Humility should be the character of the wife, but it's not an easy state to remain in. My Pastor hit the nail on the head in one of his sermons when he said that pride, which is the opposite of humility, is the only sin that made it into heaven. This really opened my eyes to the dangers of the spirit of pride and the need to guard against it. It is imperative that we as wives are diligent in remaining humble, for several reasons:

1. God has commanded us to do so! (Ephesians 4:1-3) - The most important reason why we should strive to walk in humility is because God has commanded us to be humble. As followers of Christ, our first priority should be obedience to God.

2. We are to be a helper to our husband!(Genesis 2:15)- It is very difficult to help someone when you are always thinking of yourself. As wives, we have been called to encourage and support our husbands in their position as priest of our homes. If you think about the parties and events you have attended, you will notice that a lot of times the "help" doesn't get recognized. It's normally the people who are out front that get recognized, and the ones who worked diligently behind the scenes get overlooked. As wives, we have to be okay with being in the background and supporting our husbands. When we operate in our proper role, God is able to be exalted; and when God is exalted we all win!

3. Pride destroys! (Proverbs 16:18) - The opposite of being humble is being prideful. The Bible tells us that pride leads to destruction. The enemies whole plot is to destroy our marriages (John 10:10), and we have to be careful as to not be used by the enemy as a tool to destroy our own marriages. If we allow the enemy to turn our minds to think about ourselves, we have allowed him a foot in the door.

Let's shut the door of pride, determined to be wives who walk in humility. I am not saying be a doormat or get walked over; however, it is not necessary for us to always be right or have to state our opinion. Instead of nagging or fussing with our husbands, let's lift them up to God in prayer , and watch how God responds. Everything will work out for our good (Romans 8:28), without jeopardizing the peace and joy in our homes.

Be humble!



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